Connected city, Connecting people

What will be the first thing you want to find when you travel to another country/city? Will it be a visitor guide, local map, or transportation pamphlet? Definitely free Wi-Fi service would be one of the most needed services nowadays by everyone. We all want to always stay connected with our friends all over the world to share our feelings and experience, and to connect to the Internet to retrieve the just-in-time information to enrich our overseas experience.

In recent years, mobile communication technology has been growing rapidly and most people have already owned one more mobile device to facilitate their daily lives.  We also witnessed the efforts of both the public and private sectors in expanding the Wi-Fi coverage across the Hong Kong territory.  To ride on such development, the Government of the HKSAR has taken the lead to facilitate the setup of a common Wi-Fi brand Wi-Fi.HK to embrace those free public Wi-Fi hotspots provided by the private and public sectors which are either offered time-limited free of charge or completely free of charge.  More importantly, there is no need to register before using such Wi-Fi services, giving more convenience and freedom of use to the public and the visitors.

We welcome more Wi-Fi service providers and organisations to join this Wi-Fi.HK scheme to provide free Wi-Fi services to the public and visitors. Simply follow the procedures mentioned in the Wi-Fi.HK website to join this scheme.

With the concerted efforts of both the public and private sectors, it can further advance Hong Kong’s position as a highly connected city for connecting people.

Happy surfing!

Digital Policy Office (DPO)